Sunday, September 27, 2009

Minister invited the Indonesian Miyabi

sumber : detikcom

Minister invited the Indonesian Miyabi

Some groups strongly oppose the plan for acting Miyabi arrival in Indonesia. Conversely, minister Mohammad Nuh just do not prohibit it coming porn star.

Women whose original name Maria Ozawa is scheduled to star in a comedy film titled 'Kidnapping Miyabi'. Dika in dapuk Raditya screenwriter as well as starring in the film.

Apparently these plans have pros and cons responses. Minister also has his own opinion with these problems. He supports the conditions provided there Miyabi.

"If he was in Indonesia does not make pornographic activities, can not legally prohibited," he said after giving a lecture and inaugurated the Islamic sites in the Holy Qudsiyah, Central Java, on Saturday (26/9/2009).

Noah had seen, that the rejection of Miyabi from various parties was not a factor of hatred, but as a moral appeal. "So we have to respect the opinions of those who refuse," he explained.

For that, the former Rector of ITS was advised, so that people do not make a controversial activity. "But creativity should not necessarily ignore the social sensitivity."

I now have a blog as it wanted to ask, how do you think? miyabi agreed not to come to our country? his comentar I wait ...


ARIF'S said...

kalau aku sih setuju aja asalkan tidak beradegan yang keterlaluan gitu said...

Nice blog, semoga sukses

denpry said...

aku sih setuju aja kawan..asalkan tabiat aktingnya tidak seronok...ya miyabi harus pandai2 berakting agar aktingnya yang gituan tidak ke bawa bawa ke indo

Bintang said...

aku gak bisa komentar coz gak tau siapa Miyabi..anyway, cantik banget yah si miyabi itu..aku aja sebagai cewek sampe senen banget liat kecantikan miyabi..apalagi cowok kalo liat dia...

Unknown said...

duh..kenapa harus dia sih...apa ga ada lagi bintang film Indonesia ? setahu saya artis2 Indonesia banyak juga yang berkelas dunia...contoh cristine hakim dll...

ouza said...

wow...baru tau gw, asyik... miyabi ikut film bokep indonesia, pasti habis ludes de tiket bioskop nya hahahaha...

please visit my blog

NumB3R said...

kok judul sm isinya gak sinkron sob, hehehe. .

Yah, liat perkembangannya nanti deh, miyabi beneran dateng atau nggak