Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Cources World's Most Unique!

Cources World's Most Unique!
If you know the name Agy Tjetje you'll probably remember that he was an Indonesian with an academic degree at most. Well, of the many existing academic degree, sure deh, he probably never ndak follow-up existing courses below, because in addition to unique, courses are offered .... hmmm like what yes, the right words?

What is clear, you can learn how to dress, to know more of Harry Potter, even The Simpsons. Oh well, do not forget, you can also choose to learn the language Elf, the language of the fairies in the novel Lord of the Rings, too! Interested? You better read yourself to feel the uniqueness ...

1. Science of Harry Potter - at Frostburg State University
For lovers of children's novel, you can follow-up study in Frostburg State University with the class "Science of Harry Potter." Lectures goal is to find and analyze a variety of magical events in the book JK Rowling, and describes the events there through the principles of physics. If you think this class is not known, make no mistake, this class of international attention, even to China and Australia. Physics Professor George Plitnik is the people behind this idea, and thanks to the class 'miracle' is, his name is now so global.

2. Simpsons and Philosophy - at Cal-Berkeley University.
Cal, one of the leading universities in America, with many people who received the Nobel genius, turned out to involve Homer, Marge, Lisa, Bart and Margie among other names such as Aristotle, Socrates, Sartre, and many other famous philosophers. You are not only required to know and understand about THE SIMPSONS, but also have to be really familiar with various episodes. Various episodes show up and discuss about the emerging social issue such as racism and political issue. If you want to graduate, you should be able to write a story during 22 minutes for this screenplay. Value of college? Two credits!

3. STAR TREK and Religion - Indiana University
Indiana University in Bloomington offers one of the subjects in the field of Arts and Humanities. This course is offered as an "introduction to the Critical Study of Religion through popular culture," and "was very much STAR TREK episodes that have opposed the religious theme." And this is what you will learn during a full semester!

4. Language Elf (Lord of the Rings) - University of Wisconsin
Tolkienism (all of JJ Tolkien - author of a series of LORD OF THE RINGS), which turned out to have many fans. Tolkien's world of creation that has many legends, language, maps, poetry and various creatures in fact bring a lot of imagination and even start some debate among fans.
Tolkien fans in Madison, Wisconsins, to learn the language Elf, and drew the attention of the University of Wisnconsin to create courses Sindarin (one of the languages Elf), who cared for by David Salo. At the time this article was written, David Salo is a doctoral candidate Linguistics at the University of Wisconsin. You will be interested more in the lecture, because it turned out David Salo is one of linguistic consultant employed by Peter Jackson at the time of making the film LORD OF THE RINGS.

5. How to Watch Television - Montclair State University
No joke, it turns out students who take this class can reach 57 people, but do not imagine this course just sitting and watching television. "This course can be taken by students majoring in Broadcasting or not, and the emphasis is on how to analyze the impact and role, and the extent to which impressions are understood by the audience. So in other words, you must combine theory and criticism of the media and education through the media.
Students will be asked to watch popular shows like CSI, but not as simply enjoying as usual, for a variety of tasks from Professor Gencarelli to be done while watching CSI, makes the students really have to observe many small details from an existing movie.

6 - How to Dress - Princeton University
Seriously! According to experts, in several events, dress it seemed more than just complicated. The course is offered only to students this semester will discuss various topics 'controversial' like Jeans, hats, Tatto, Sandals and cargo pants. Apparently this is not a simple lecture. Clothes were shown various things like character and even the history of these people. You interested?


Informasi Broadband said...

you have a great improvement dude

Tatan-ba said...

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Anonymous said...

no, i do not interest about topics discuss.. life is real.. any poor, any work hard, any ..

Ruri said...

good article.

cources world's most unique.. is true.

narti said...

kita yang menentukan pilihan mana yg akan kita ambil, walaupun tersedia banyak pilihan.


Anonymous said...

bagus info nya..
follow-follow yuk..... buat nambah temen.

Just a Blog Latest telenovela said...

good post friends

Syarief ToKonjo said...

wah englishku belepotan nih sob. pake koment bahasa tanah air aja ya... Makasih udah mampir dan ngasi koment.

Unknown said...

oooh my god I really want to learn Elf language, thanks for your great post

Sujud said...

meski agak nuk2.....tapi aq rasa ni bagus

Anonymous said...

Nice post friends!! but life is real! you get your life by your self!!

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Syarief ToKonjo said...

Thanks for coming & for U'r $mile

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Abu H@fidz said...

ok thanks frenzz, !!!

Media Download said...

Thanks dah komentar di blog saya..., saya lihat diblog kamu cuma cukup satu posting tapi di aprop google adsense...
He6x... kamu ada beberapa orang team yg main seperti ini.
Sengaja kamu ga masuk ke dalam bolg kamu karena takut ke lacak sama google ya kan..?, trik yg sangat bagus, saran saya hati2 jgn samapi di blog sama GA, GA juga ada trik lain tuh kayanya

Mx Axrom said...

Thanx for information you...

sip deh...hehehe...salam kenal...

UnCertaIN's said...

it is hard to me to read your post, English is not my mother tongue. but i was read it before from milist. is there any blogging courses.

Unknown said...

belajar Bahasa elf yaa...interisting ..kekekekeek ...aya2 wae... ^.^"

zyie said...

Hello friend..nice article.

mokhamad rusyanto said...

asww...Rabu ini sy baca iklan anda...baca balik ya
Buat sobat-sobat ayo "KERJASAMA BACA IKLAN" hub.sy....Terimakash

mokhamad rusyanto said...